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What to Consider When Buying a New Roof

May 07, 2024

A lot of people were looking for roof repair in 2021. According to Roofer's Guild, July 2021 was the peak time that they did a search term for it. But what if your roof is beyond repair? What kind of new roof should you get? Is metal roofing right for you? Here are some things to consider:


Your budget is going to be the number one thing that dictates what kind of roofing material you get. While metal roofing is extremely durable, it can be more expensive than other ones, like asphalt. A lot of people get asphalt because of that, and it is a material that can last up to 25 years in our experience.


If you can, you want to get roofing materials that will last years. Metal roofing can last 50 years or more, according to Architectural Digest. Metal can also resist fire very well and its interlocking patterns can make it quite wind resistant. Having more durable roofing materials can also make it a desirable home when you put it on the market.

Energy Efficiency

A roof is more than just something that can keep the elements out. It can also help cool or heat your place depending on the weather. As a result, the roofing materials can help lower your energy bills, since your appliances won't have to expend as much energy to make your place a comfortable one. That's another way that the roofing materials can pay for themselves.

It may seem like a lot to take in. You can do more research and also talk with local roofing experts. The reason they can be so helpful is that they know what the weather and climate will be like and what roofing material works best. You can also see what kind of roofs your neighbors have. Combine all of that and you're going to have something that you're happy with.

Once you get the new roof, you should have it inspected to maintain its integrity. Some materials may need less maintenance than others, but it's still good to have an expert examine the roof. That will make a great investment for you and your family.

Are you interested in
metal roofing? Contact us today at Senger Roofing LLC to learn more.

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